I've decided that Part II of last weekend's travelog will be a pictorial. Besides, once the whole magilla that was described in part I was over, the weekend went pretty smoothly with a minimal amount of drama. And as anyone who's ever sat in a puddle of piss on the CTA will tell you, drama is essential to an interesting story.
Instead I bring you pretty pictures. Enjoy.

Getting ready to go. Mom called.

This cloud's sportin' a 'tude.

Level at 7,000, somewhere over Indiana.

Buzzing the Big Guy's Condo (on the right)

Over Lily Creek

Sunset cruise on Lake Cumberland

View of Lake Cumberland from the Lure Lodge patio.

LD and LV. Brt.

On short final to 14 left back in Champaign. Bummer.
Hee hee...Katie Pee Pants.
If your friends don't push you towards greatness, then they're not really friends.
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