Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Impeach or Shut Up

The Democratic leadership in this country has accused this president of everything from knowingly lying about going to war to murdering people in natural disasters. Now they say he's spying on us illegally. I am not not going to argue the minutiae of war powers or federal response obligations here. What I will say though is that if this president truly is this heinous, why in the name of all that's holy isn't the vast majority of Democratic leadership calling for his impeachment? I know many on the extreme left already have, but I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the Pelosis and the Reids. The politicians that really have something to lose.

Say what you want about Clinton's impeachment, but you have to hand it to the Republicans for at least having had the balls to put their money where their mouth was. And they were impeaching a popular president for something as relatively innocuous as lying under oath about an affair. No wonder the Democratic base is so full of loathing. Not only are their elected leaders spineless when it comes to doing something about terrorism . . . or social security . . . or prescription drugs. They can't even pull the trigger on impeaching someone, who by their accounts, is the worst president this country has ever seen.

Now granted, if you go strictly on a partisan basis they wouldn't have the votes to pull something like this off right now. But the midterms are a'comin' and if, as the media so clearly is hoping, Dems take back congress I better see impeachment among the first items of business. I'm serious. If these people want to lead the country and they know for a fact that George Bush is a ruthless individual hell bent on stripping us all of freedom of speech and plunging us into war for personal gain, they had better ante up when the time comes.

Of course they won't. Because they know everything they're saying is total horseshit designed to obfuscate the reality that they have no plan for America except to have it back under their power. They crave power above all else and for six years we've had to listen to their anguished screams as they lost election after election because Americans were more comfortable with a president that did something, even if it wasn’t perfect, than one that would rather form committees and explore "nuance" to keep from having to do anything politically risky.

In fact I want Bush's next speech to simply be, "Impeach me. Bring it on. If I am truly a criminal it should be easy. Hell, my poll numbers are low enough. Why not give it a shot?" Unfortunately he won't do that either. Instead, I'll probably have to endure another two years of incessant weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left. I’m telling ya’, impeachment would almost be a relief at this point.


Marty McKee said...

Do I get to choose?

Uncle Larry said...

Get elected to the House and you'll be able to. I heard yesterday that Boxer made a squeak about impeachment, but they won't do it. Just more chest thumping. They would much rather have hearings that involve no political risk yet yield plenty of soundbites than have their accusations subjected to any objective, judicial test of their validity.

Anonymous said...

Preach on Brother Lawrence.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, "Rhetoric in Lieu of Action" is the motto of the Democratic party.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed the your word of the day is all too perfect.

Marty McKee said...

The Dems have recently started showing signs of testicular ownership. They told Ted Stevens to take his pork and shove it, and they forced the compromise over a Patriot Act extension. That could end up just being procrastination; I guess we won't know for awhile.

Marty McKee said...

You're right, Panno. You should have heard the querulous Ted whining about missing Christmas and about it being the saddest day of his life. I would have assumed the plane crash that killed his wife would have resulted in a sadder day. Money before people = the Stevens motto.

Uncle Larry said...

C'mon--Stevens had a long way to go before becoming one of the great pork producers, ever heard of ?:

Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center at Marshall University, Huntington

Robert C. Byrd Addition to the Lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling

Robert C. Byrd Appalachian Highway System part of the Appalachian Development Highway System

Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University, Huntington

Robert C. Byrd Bridge, between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio

Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Laboratory of West Virginia University, Morgantown

Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to Veteran's Hospital, Huntington

Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove

Robert C. Byrd Conference Center at Davis and Elkins College, Elkins

Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd's hometown)

Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. Highway 22, near Weirton

Robert C. Byrd Federal Building & Courthouse, Beckley

Robert C. Byrd Federal Building & Courthouse, Charleston

Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, Green Bank

Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, Princeton

Robert C. Byrd Health and Wellness Center of Bethany College, Bethany

Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia University, Morgantown

Robert C. Byrd High School, Clarksburg

Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex, Rocket Center
Erma Ora Byrd Conference & Learning Center

Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Moorefield

Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing; Huntington, Charleston, Bridgeport & Rocket Center

Robert C. Byrd Library & Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center at Mountain State University, Beckley

Robert C. Byrd Locks & Dam, Gallipolis Ferry

Robert C. Byrd Metals Fabrication Center, Rocket Center

Robert C. Byrd National Aerospace Education Center, Bridgeport

Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling

Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center at Marshall University, Huntington

Robert C. Byrd Science and Technology Center at Shepherd University, Shepherdstown

Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi

Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center

Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, Harpers Ferry

I suppose they named all that stuff after him because of his pioneering work on race relations as a youth.

Marty McKee said...

"I suppose they named all that stuff after him because of his pioneering work on race relations as a youth."

They probably did. He is from West Virginia where Confederate flags fly freely.