Saturday, December 02, 2006

What the . . . Cheeseburger's Movie Kung Fu is Better Than Mine?!?

While 74% sounds about right for me, I think this quiz is a little off because it gave Cheeseburger a higher movie buff score than McKee or I. She couldn't even sit through 20 minutes of Airport. If memory serves it was "too slow". Anyway, next time I'm up her way I'm challenging her to a movie trivia contest. We'll see who the real movie buff is. If you take the quiz let me know what your score is. It really is kind of fun, if not a little specious.

My Movie Buff Quotient: 74%
According to this, I am a total movie buff. Classics, blockbusters, indie favorites... I've seen most of them.
My friends know to come to me whenever they need a few good DVD rental suggestions.


Unknown said...

***Your Movie Buff Quotient: 96%***
I've only seen parts of Donny Darko and never seen Requiem for a Dream.

katie said...

it's on!!!! it was early and i didn't get the nap you did. would you rather watch killer sea creatures or airplane. i rest my case.

Anonymous said...

i got 90%, probably because i've never seen Psycho.

also, i'm 72% cynical.