Thursday, January 12, 2006

Deep Hurting

Last night I saw Rollerblade--quite possibly the most painful movie I've ever seen. Granted it was a crappy movie night, but even by crappy movie standards it was horrid. The effect it had on me was akin to a dull hangover headache or a bout of nausea. In fact, when I would get the stomach flu as a child, while in the grips of the fever and nausea I would often have nightmares and dreams that were just like Rollerblade. I can't even begin to describe it's crapitude. I'm sure Marty would do a better job anyway, so I direct you to Marty's Marquee. I'm going to need to watch Big Lebowski tonight to cleanse my cinematic palette.


Marty McKee said...

Come on, you saw, like, 15 minutes of Roller Blade. We had to suffer through all 90 minutes of it.

We did get some sweet snoring recordings of you though.

Uncle Larry said...

Those 15 minutes felt like 90.

Trixie said...

Wait, does this mean Larry fell asleep during the movie????????? Laurie, are you reading this???????

Marty McKee said...

Imagine how long the 90 felt like. We finally had to watch the last 10 in fast-forward. That movie was like a week in Gitmo.

Anonymous said...

LD ALWAYS falls asleep during movie night.