Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Take That Judy

Think you know everything you need to know about civic duty? Marry a social studies teacher. After some gentle coaxing by Mrs. Stephens I went and voted in my first primary election yesterday. She would've joined me, but she hasn't been able to register yet. Afterwards I was really glad I did. Turns out in addition to choosing which candidate I wanted to run for my party, there was a ballot initiative on the back. If you think ballot initiatives don't matter, buy a house. In any case I was able to give my vote against Judy "vote for me because I'm a professional politician" Barr-Topinka.

While I was there I ran into my condo association's president. She was one of the polling place volunteers. She said quite a few of the folks from our association turned out to vote. This wasn't a huge surprise since many of them are retired and could have easily made the time do so. By the same token, I suppose this is why many of the polling place volunteers were old enough to be my grandparents. Honestly though, it took all of 5 minutes to complete the ballot so really anyone could make the time to do it. On the way out I asked for three of the "I Voted" stickers as a joke (you know, "vote early, vote often"). About half way to the car I decided no one south of Cook County would get it, so I tossed them.

I haven't checked the results yet this morning, so I don't know if my vote might've made a difference or not. At the very least I won't be one of those people moaning about the choices on the ballot come election time. Even if my guy didn't get the nomination, I was able in some small way to let the guy or gal that did know I wasn't impressed.


Mike said...

Thanks for voting against Judy, but unfortunately your vote didn't make a difference. See how that works?

Marty McKee said...

I was hoping this post was going to be about Judy Fraser.

Mike said...

You are one sick man Martin.