Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Somewhere a Pike Just Shivered

That's right my fine finned friends, enjoy what little time you have left. I just went lure shopping and come Friday of next week you're going to be on the end of my line. Or you'll just sit there and do nothing because I had no frickin' clue whether or not I got the right tackle.

Moto gave me a list of lures for pike with cryptic names like "husky jerk", "twitchbait", "Shallow Raider" and my personal fave, the "Rattlin Rouge". Sounds more like the selection you usually find in the men's room vending machine at the local truck stop, don't it? I was only able to find a few of these with the names given in the list. Obviously they're proprietary to certain manufacturers and the off brands used other names. So, I tried to go from my memory of what we used when we fished for pike up in Canada about 4 years ago.

Another problem encountered was the size of the baits sold around here. Most everyone here fishes for pan fish and bass so they don't need big lures. Just about everything I was able to find was on the low end of what was recommended on the list. And why not? There aren't any pike around here anyway. About the only thing I was able to find suitable sizes of were the spoons and that's because there must be enough people around here that trout and salmon fish up in Lake Michigan.

Still, I hold out hope that one or two of the lures I blew a sizable chunk of cash on tonight comes through and I'm able to post a great picture of me and a monster northern when I return from the trip.


K-tina said...

FYI...there is Pike around Central IL, you just have to go to private lakes and less known places. I've caught some small pike, and my father has a massive one on his wall (amazingly he was just fishing for bass). Even stuffed and mounted, the teeth are still very sharp.

Uncle Larry said...

Whaddya' know? I've always been told were too far south. Somebody must have had some pet pike and let them loose.