Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas to All

I really didn't want my last post before Christmas to be a political diatribe so here's a quick one. Nothing really special to say other than I wish everyone who reads this a wonderful Christmas. For me it will be a time of fellowship with family and friends. It will also be a time of reflection on all that has transpired in the past year. It has been a very good year and I thank God for it--something I don't do nearly enough.

One more thing. I got an e-mail the other day that was basically a rant about how Christians know not what they celebrate at Christmas. I'm not going to say anything to that except this--while many pagan traditions may well have been tacked on to the pagentry of the holiday, it doesn't change one scintilla what the holiday is about for believers: God's desire to reunite Himself with his creation. It is about the hope we have in Jesus Christ. I know I don't speak out very often about my faith and I hope my non-Christian friends who read this don't take it for preaching. I don't think they will because the vast majority know I'm hardly qualified to. But every now and then I get convicted about my silence and feel prompted to speak up.

Anyway, all I want to say is may God grant us all peace this Christmas--inside and out.

Merry Christmas


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Go rent 'The Beast of War'.

Anonymous said...

No matter whether you believe in God or not, we could certainly use a little peace in the world these days. I hope we can all find it.

Anonymous said...

happy holidays to you. and happy hanukkah to those who don't celebrate christmas.