Wednesday, October 05, 2005


At Moto's urging I've added a Flick-o-Meter to the sidebar that gives my rating for films I've recently seen. I'm using the proven x/5 rating system, which I assume is "open source" and free to use. I hope Tolemite doesn't mind. As you'll see, each film title is linked to it's corresponding IMDB page should you care to see what all the hub bub's about. I wanted to use rottentomatoes, but I don't think their database is as extensive. Plus, IMDB's about as objective as you can get.

For what it's worth . . .


Marty McKee said...

I can't believe you're using adjectives like "proven" in your regular conversation now. You have Kyesitis.

Uncle Larry said...

I did that for my fellow copywriters. Thank you for noticing.

Anonymous said...

i have a different kind of flick-o-meter - it's called my finger.

Uncle Larry said...

Happy to oblige. I'm sure Motorcycle Diaries was a wonderful road film . . . for commies. Actually I really have been meaning to see that. I don't know a lot about Che, and I'm not entirely sure this film is going to enlighten a whole lot, but it would be interesting to see a film about him.

Marty McKee said...

You need to see this:

Two words: Palance IS Fidel Castro.