I gotta' admit, he looks good here. The whole Omar Sharif thing is happenin'. I can't help but notice though, every time he wears the suit and shirt combo it's with an open collar. No tie. If I was in his shoes, anything around my neck would probably make me nervous too. Lucky for him everyone's still bickering about the constitution, 'cause once they get that sorted out (and they will) it'll be time to get down to business.
And in have-none-of-these-jags-seen-Jurrasic-Park news this little, gem. I mean really, how long is it before these guys get drunk one night and one of them says "You know what? Check it out. I stole this prehistoric mosquito stuck in amber from the specimen archives. Here, hold my beer." And then BAM-O! We're all living in trees hiding from velociraptors.
here's hoping the intro motion graphics for the saddam trial are accompanied by the Violent Femmes song "Dance Motherfucker Dance".
getting this egotistical, trumped up peon wasn't worth nearly 2,000 american lives or countless injuries, but since we've got him, let's go ahead and deep fry him.
Pretty tuff! It's too damn hot in the desert to be wearing ties. Plus it's good to be as unencumbered as possible just in case you have to bury yourself in a hole for two weeks.
Ha. That constitution looks like it'll be the lamest constitution ever. Unless you happen to be Islamic and/or a man. Then it's pretty sweet. Reuters published the draft that was sent to the National Assembly, and it sets up an Islamic republic, not a democracy.
Of course, our president admitted that he hasn't even read the damn thing. I know more about it that he does. But his bike-riding skills are better than mine.
From the preamble:
We the people of Iraq, newly arisen from our disasters and looking with confidence to the future through a democratic, federal, republican system, are determined - men and women, old and young - to respect the rule of law, reject the policy of aggression, pay attention to women and their rights, the elderly and their cares, the children and their affairs, spread the culture of diversity and defuse terrorism.
Gee, I don't know. Sounds pretty democratic so far. Haven't got to the meat yet.
Keep reading. You'll find that the Islamic religion, not judges, will rule the court system, which will leave women and anyone else who chooses not to follow Islam hung out to dry.
Maybe Dubya will get around to reading it one of these days. If he isn't too busy.
I did read that part. But a democracy does not have to be secular in order to be democratic. It's not surprising that a 90% Islamic country would want to have Islam as a major component of their government. The media has been giving alot of attention to the hard-line Shiites but they are the minority in that particular sect. The majority of Shia in Iraq believe that Islam changes men's hearts which then changes society. Not that it is to change society in order to make men conform to Islam. The believe in a separation of church and state. This WSJ article from a few years ago explains it better. http://www.benadorassociates.com/article/317
Just to remind everyone that women had almost no rights in THIS country until the early 1900's and we were considered a democracy.
- S
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