Monday, July 18, 2005

Bush-Hater Baiters

"In this case, there exists ample evidence on the public record to cast serious doubt as to whether a crime has even been committed under the Intelligence Identities Portection Act . . . "

Another defensive soundbite from the beleaguered White House press secretary, Scott McCllelan? Rush's latest diatribe against Joe Wilson? Some crazy blogger's attempt to defend the indefensible? Try an excerpt from the amicus brief submitted by 36 major news organizations (many of which are still reporting this story as if there is no doubt a crime was committed) on behalf of their colleagues/martyrs Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper.

As I've suspected for some time, the media's constant resuscitation of this story has less to do with there actually being a story tell and more to do with keeping the Bush-hating public buying papers and watching the news. It appears that while they have been hard at work insinuating this and implying that in the news they publish, they've been spinning quite a different story to the courts. Andrew McCarthy of The National Review gives a rather revealing look at what the mainstream media really thinks of the case, but won't tell you. Check it out here. Read the amicus brief here.

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