Thursday, July 28, 2005

"It's the Oil Cans!"

Recalling the interview I heard this morning with Robert Pape, author of "Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism", I can't help but think of the classic "oil can" scene from The Jerk. Expecting some sort of new insight from Mr. Pape as to why Islamofacists kill innocents by blowing themselves up, I was disappointed to learn that the main thrust of his argument is rather worn: suicide bombers are a reaction to Western occupation of Arab lands. Not having read the book I can only assume his answer is leave Iraq and Afghanistan and suicide bombings will decrease if not stop.

As you've probably guessed, I think Mr. Pape's explanation of terrorist motives is about as insightful and accurate as Steve Martin's was about bullet riddled oil cans. I will concede, though, the stats certainly seem to be on Pape's side. We weren't in Iraq or Afghanistan in September of 2001 and there was only one attack that month. But I will spare you all a lengthy dispute of Pape's premise here. Olivier Roy did that, if unintentionally, on last Friday's New York Times op/ed page, and much more eloquently than I ever could--see his article here.

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