Saturday, July 16, 2005


Last night Laurie and I celebrated our recent engagement with a few good friends at the Monkey. To say we were flattered that so many pals showed up to wish us well is an understatement. It meant more than I will ever be able to adequately express. Even Luke, Mandy and Levi made an appearance. Well, you couldn't really see Levi per se, but it was obvious he was there (ahh . . . I kid Mandy, I kid). The weather was perfect, too. It was a typical, balmy Illinois evening--like being in the Caribbean only without beaches, palm trees or packs of drunk newlyweds staggering back to their cruise ships.

A big thanks goes to Katie for putting it all together. Laurie and I are going to miss Mike and her a whole bunch when they move (get that guest room ready guys). Of course there wouldn't have been a thing to celebrate if the sexiest, smartest, most loving woman I've ever met hadn't said yes. I look forward to spending the rest of my life saying thank you for that, babe.

Links to a few more pics from the festivities:
"You can't see me dawg!"
Crouching Karen, Hidden Park
Cigars, Bourbon and Boobs (not what you think Patrick)
"Grrraaaaady. Look into my eyes and . . . SLEEEEP!!

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