Thursday, July 14, 2005

Like You Still Care

Forgive the belligerence, but one of the reasons I've put off blogging is that I really can't imagine anyone giving a rats patoot about anything I have to say. This is more a place for friends to keep tabs on me and how things are going in my corner of the world.

Yes, there will be ranting.

Yes, there will be cloying praise of my nieces and their yet-to-be-born brother.

And yes, there will be many stories, possibly to her dismay, involving my fiancee.

Speaking of which, she's instructed me not to stay up too late tonight. Actually "sweetly asked me" is probably more accurate. See, not even two posts in and already I'm in trouble.


Laurie said...

In my defense...I "sweetly asked" you to not stay up too late so that you would be all fresh and relaxed and fun for the Engagement Happy Hour that your friends & relatives were planning for us on that so wrong? ;) If you think that is trouble...yikes...what will you think when something pretty serious comes up? :)

But honestly, to anyone else who reads this...this man is one of the most honest. thoughtful, and intelligent men I've ever known (and really I'm not too biased! What he puts here I'm sure will not just be flung up on this site, it will have some merit and that thoughtfulness is worthy of respect!

So Happy blogging "Uncle Larry"!

Uncle Larry said...

Thanks babe. You're haaawwwt.